
Emergence: Program Note

Added on by Patrick Greene.

Emergence premieres on Zoom on April 11! Stay tuned for more details on my Performances page as it gets closer. Here’s the program note!

Like so many others living through this bizarre COVID-19 period, I’ve spent much of the past year inside a sort of cocoon. So much changed so quickly. We shifted our lives to make sure our children were safe, our livelihoods secure, our parents protected. And music, that lifeblood so many of us rely on, felt like it vanished for awhile. This commission, from my friend and collaborator Ann Bobo for her gifted student Alicia Kim, was a personal emergence for me: the first project I worked on since COVID-19 changed everything.

But the title also refers to something Ms. Kim wanted the piece to express: self discovery. The ending of Emergence is unwritten; I’ve supplied some colors for her palette, but other than that the ending is completely up to the performer. It is my hope that this act of spontaneous composition gives Ms. Kim an opportunity to end the piece on her terms each time she plays it.
— Patrick Greene, 2021

My first double barline of the COVID-19 pandemic!

Added on by Patrick Greene.

Hey everyone, it’s been … awhile.

Like many of you, 2020 threw me for a bit of a loop. The pieces I’d been working on were put on hold. The ensembles I was working with suspended their seasons. Even the choral music I’d planned for later in the year was derailed by the simple fact that singing in proximity with other people was, suddenly and shockingly, a dangerous activity.

I was overjoyed when Ann Bobo, Boston Musica Viva’s flautist, asked if I’d write something for one of her star pupils. This student—Alicia Kim—plays expressively, earnestly, and with tremendous technical skills, and writing for her has been a wonderful experience.

As you might imagine, all of this has been handled over Zoom. And the premiere, coming later this spring, will almost certainly be virtual.

But making music again—getting to work on something, getting to bring it into the world in collaboration with others—has been such an energizing feeling. So thank you Ann, Alicia, and everyone else making music during these bizarre times. This piece is for you, in every imaginable way.

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